Doctorate Programme in Maritime Sciences and Technologies (8205)
- Degree Level:: Doctorado
- Rama de conocimiento: Ciencias
- Title: Doctorate Programme in Marine Sciences and Technologies by the Universidad of Cádiz
- ISCED1 code: Ciencias del Medio Ambiente
- ISCED2 code : Ciencias Físicas, Químicas y Geológicas
- UCA code: 8205
- RUCT code (Register of Universities, Centers and Degrees): 5600780
- University: University of Cádiz
- Place of delivery: Puerto Real Campus
- Center in charge: Escuela Internacional de Doctorado en Estudios del Mar (EIDEMAR)
- Collaborations with agreements
- Other collaborations
- Crédits required an duration: 3 years (part-time: 5 years)